New accessible emoji introduced

In another move to demonstrate how representation matters, the emoji dictionary has expanded to include some more images of people with disabilities.

The new images include Person in Motorized Wheelchair, Person in Manual Wheelchair, and Person with White Cane.

The latest emoji add to the series of emoji that were introduced mostly in 2019 that represent various visible disabilities, like a hearing aid, a guide dog and prosthetic limbs.

9 emoji: Ear with Hearing Aid, Guide Dog, Mechanical Arm, Woman in Manual Wheelchair, deaf person,  Woman with White Cane, Mechanical Leg, Service Dog,  Man in Motorized Wheelchair

As usual, the emoji of people can be adjusted for skin colour.

Disability, of course, is not always visible. Dyslexia, ADHD and brain injuries arenโ€™t things we can simply see. This is important to remember when we consider who is impacted by disability.

Also bear in mind that disability can look different across different people - some people who are blind choose not to walk with a white cane, while others who arenโ€™t fully blind but have low vision use the cane as an aide and a signal to others to be mindful of them as they navigate a space.

Next time you send a text, try to use one of these new accessibility-inclusive emoji!

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WCAG Criteria, explained: 1.4.1 Use of color