PDF Remediation

Struggling to make your PDFs accessible and compliant?

We’ve partnered with the reputable GrackleDocs to help you meet the internationally recognized PDF standard, PDF/UA.

Making all your

digital assets


Accessibility requirements and legislation apply to all digital assets, including PDF documents.

Partnering with GrackleDocs, Aleph Accessibility offers a suite of PDF remediation services to help you meet the PDF/UA standard, including:

  • Manual and guided PDF remediation

  • Self-run automated PDF scanning

  • High-volume PDF remediation services

These services can be used whether your PDFs are created using Word, InDesign, Photoshop or something else.

Aleph Accessibility is now your partner in full digital accessibility!

What is PDF/UA?

PDF/UA - which stands for PDF (Portable Document Format) universal accessibility - is the international standard for PDF accessibility. Just like WCAG lists the requirements that web pages need to meet in order to be accessible, PDF/UA gives the same guidance, specifically for PDFs.

According to Adobe, creators of the PDF file type:

The PDF/UA standard - formally known as ISO 14289-1 - is designed to ensure that PDFs are universally accessible. Aimed at everyone involved in creating PDFs, it sets minimum requirements that make sure documents are compliant with devices that support people with disabilities.

PDF/UA is a globally accepted standard used all over, including in the US, Canada, Australia, and the European Union.

Our partnered PDF remediation services validate your files against WCAG and PDF/UA.