Web accessibility:

Where to start

Gain clarity for your accessibility journey. We’ve outlined the steps you need to take to start embedding web accessibility into your digital products today.

Step 1: Assess

your accessibility

maturity for free

Knowing where you stand in your accessibility journey is essential to know how to improve. 

Backed by research, this free quiz will assess your organisation's accessibility maturity to highlight your accessibility strengths and areas for improvement. Use your resources effectively, have the biggest impact possible, and gain leadership buy-in for your accessibility initiative.

Step 2: Develop an

accessibility roadmap

road sign warning of a curving road ahead

Accessibility-mature organisations say that having a roadmap is the most important step towards achieving their accessibility goals. Put your quiz results into action with a strategic plan. Create a measurable and actionable strategy with our roadmap workshop.

Step 3: Take action

Your roadmap is set and your goals are in sight. Enlist Aleph Accessibility for training, auditing, consulting or speaking to see your objectives become a reality. 

We partner with you to create a digital accessibility solution tailored to your organisational needs and goals, coaching and supporting your through each milestone. Our aim is not for you to rely on us perpetually, but to provide expert advice to help you champion web accessibility.

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Aleph Accessibility


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